Wednesday 8 May 2013

New Loyal Agency and Trust Corp. Website Launched

Launching our new Loyal Group website was only the first step in modernising and unifying all sites related to our Group.  Now we are proud to announce the release of the brand new site of Loyal Agency and Trust Corp.!

Loyal Agency and Trust Corp. is a company operating in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, West Indies, exclusively dedicated to serving the needs of offshore non-residents who require wealth security, asset confidentiality and tax efficiency using legitimate offshore structures. Why would you choose St. Vincent? Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an independent nation. It is a full member of the British Commonwealth, the United Nations, the Organisation of American States, the International Labour Organisation, Caricom, and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. In 1996, the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines created a new International Financial Services Authority and enacted a set of laws that not only reflect the best elements of modern offshore legislation, but also accept the reality of today's information technology. There are up-to-date laws governing International Business Companies, International Banks and International Trusts, as well as a law ensuring proper preservation of confidential relationships in financial services. For the international client, whether corporate or private, St. Vincent offers a secure and modern environment in which to do business.

On the new website we restructured the information to be more coherent and therefore now it is easier to find what you’re looking for. The site is available in four languages (English, Spanish, Russian and Chinese) and the already existing content of the old site is amended with some new features too: you can easily subscribe to our newsletter, leave a testimonial or download all documents in a package, while the ‘hot news’ section always keeps you updated.  

Besides our well-known products like IBC and LLC registration and the Global Business Package that combines an IBC registered in St. Vincent with a Loyal Bank Corporate Bank account with Digipass, some information on newer products like Hybrid Companies and Segregated Cell Companies are now also available. You can find a useful offshore terminology and the ‘Benefits’ menu helps you to decide which structure would fit your needs the most.

Visit today and do not forget to tell us your opinion either here as a comment or on the website itself. Your feedback is always much appreciated!

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