Wednesday 10 July 2013

Loyal Funds - New Website Launched

Loyal Group arrived to another milestone on the way of modernising and unifying the look of our sub-brands. After the Loyal Group and Loyal Agency and Trust Corp. sites, we would like to introduce the new website of Loyal Funds,

Loyal Funds offer optimal wealth management services for customers targeting higher returns on their mid and long term financial assets than deposit. They consist of a series of mutual funds, offering simple access to the best and safest institutional investment products of major asset management brands globally. These unique wealth management services combine global diversification, reliable partner institutions, long combined past performance together with Loyal Bank’s legal setup, Internet Bank and 16 language customer services.

Loyal Funds offer a number of attractive benefits to our clients:

  • Easy access to the best institutional investment offers globally
  • High potential – still conservative and secure investment
  • Strong track record of underlying investments – even under “shocks”
  • Flexible investment period, weekly liquidity
  • Simple access through Loyal Bank Internet Bank  
  • Highly regulated structure
  • Multilingual client support in 16 languages

No matter if you are a newcomer or an experienced investor, you can find an investment how-to on the new website with all the necessary information and rules of investing with Loyal Funds. There’re detailed introductions to the two main investment offers, the Loyal All Weather Fund and Loyal Global Opportunities Fund with the frequently updated NAV/share figures. You can also find answers to the most popular questions related to our funds like ‘Why use a multi approach?’ or “What protects the portfolio?”

We enlisted all the benefits we offer for investors to help you make the best decision that is: investing with Loyal Funds!

Visit today and do not forget to tell us your opinion either here as a comment or on the website itself. Your feedback is always much appreciated!